How Managers Can Become More Effective Leaders

A new report from Gallup identifies seven leadership traits found among managers of high performing teams and offers tips for how to develop these skills.

As the demand on the economy and workforce from the pandemic rages on, so does the demand for good managers. Managers cannot simply be there to just “supervise” but must have stronger leadership capabilities. Companies are failing to put the time and investment into finding great managers up to the task, and therefore they are struggling. As for the companies that are actually investing in their managers, a new report from Gallup found that these companies are thriving.

The report from Gallup was written by Vibhas Ratanjee who is a senior practice expert on organizational and leadership development. The report focused on private companies, but all the research can be applied to public organizations and local government as well.

The study included more than 550 job roles and 360 job competencies identifying seven leadership traits found among managers who have created high performing, successful teams. Below are the findings:

  1. Building relationships: Establishing connections with others to build trust, share ideas and accomplish work.
    1. Developing others: Helping team members become more effective through developing their strengths, setting clear expectations, providing encouragement and coaching.
    1. Driving change: Setting goals for change and leading efforts to adapt work that aligns with a stated vision.
    1. Inspiring others: Leveraging positivity, vision, confidence and recognition to influence performance and motivate workers to meet challenges.
    1. Thinking critically: Seeking information, critically evaluating it, and applying the knowledge gained to solve problems.
    1. Communicating clearly: Listening, sharing information concisely and with purpose, and being open to hearing opinions.
    1. Creating accountability: Identifying the consequences of actions and holding themselves and others responsible for performance.

According to Ratanjee, “Managers need these skills to lead theirteams now and in the future when they will lead your organization.” In the rest of the study, he explains ways that companies can help their managers develop the seven traits. Another way he suggests helping managers is to invest in them early with mentorship projects or allowing them to practice in leadership experiences that push them past their normal duties. Having great managers within a company can boost productivity and also help retention issues, while also protecting the company and creating a cost advantage.

By: Beth Gray