Sabre88 – Hats Off to the Veterans

In order to commemorate the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” which marked the end of World War I, the United States sets aside November 11th each year to honor those who have served their county. Veterans Day, previously known as “Armistice Day,” is a federal holiday reserved as a special time to express our gratitude for the sacrifice that was made by our brothers and sisters both past and present for our safety and freedom.
Sabre88 prides itself on holding firm to its core values, all of which our Veterans embody. From our Veterans we see unrivaled and inspirational teamwork and service to the community, we see cutting edge technology and efficient communication, and we see accountability. This time of year, all of us at Sabre88 tip our caps to those who have sacrificed everything so that we can continue to honor and serve our customers and each other. We would like to express our sincerest gratitude for the incredible men and women whose actions have protected our freedoms and kept us safe.
At this time, we are proud to honor our very own Sabre88 Veterans:
Taylor Collins
Jim Hansel
Kathleen Hull
Howard Johnson
Robert Lightfoot
Lekeisha Mosley
Ron Oliver
Brian J. Schweikert
Daylyn Whitley
On behalf of all of us here at Sabre88, Thank You for Your Service. Our hats are off to you!
Author: Paul McVeigh